classes and teaching

Courses I took and courses I TA'ed


idependent work seminar 11 : Wrestling with Distributed Systems by Prof. Mae Milano

Teaching assistant for a junior-level independent work as a sophomore. Helped students devise solutions for their systems architecture and debug project ranging from local-first distributed model Android application to using Raspberry Pi and Azure Cloud Services.


cos 597E (graduate class taken as a junior) : Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Programming Languages (for distributed systems), Distributed Systems by Mae Milano

ece 584 (graduate class taken as a junior) : Advanced Wireless Systems by Yasaman Ghasempour

ece 470 / cos 470 : Principles of Blockchains by Pramod Viswanath

ece 458 : Photonics and Light Wave Communications by Paul Prucnal

ece 445 : Solid-State Electronic Devices by Saien Xie

ece 302 : Robotic and Autonomous Systems Lab

ece 206 / cos 306 : Contemporary Logic Design by Sharad Malik

cos 217 : Introduction to Programming Systems by Szymon Rusinkiewicz

cos 226 : Algorithms and Data Structures by Kevin Wayne

ece 201 : Information Signals by Sanjeev Kulkarni

ece 203 : Electric Circuits by Hossein Valavi


ece 449 : Micro-Nanofabrication and Thin-Film Processing by Saien Xie

cos 418 : Distributed Systems by Michael Freedman and Wyatt Lloyd

cos 324 : Introduction to Machine Learning by Ruth C. Fong and Lydia T. Liu

ece 304 : Electronic Circuits: Devices to ICs by Kaushik Sengupta